Hello and welcome to the first day of the
2016 New Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop!
First off, I want to give the three hosts a HUGE thank you for all their hard work in putting this hop together! So thank you Yvonne @
QuiltingJetgirl, Cheryl @
MeadowMistDesigns, and Stephanie @
Let me introduce myself! My name is Sarah, I'm in my early 30's, and I'm a quilter. I'm deeply passionate about what I do and I try to share that here on my blog and on my
Instagram account. I love to play around with color and I participate in a weekly challenge called Color Play Friday. You can read more about it on my
Color Play Friday Page. I also love to laugh and hopefully I can make some of you laugh with my
How to Speak Like a Quilter page and my
Mr.123Quilt Says... page. I hope you stay a while and take a look around.
My Origin Story
So, what exactly is an origin story? If you’re a comic book nerd, you already know. For everyone else, it’s an account or back-story explaining the circumstances of how that character came to be; or in my case, it’s my story of how I became a quilter.
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away… Just kidding!!!
Okay, here’s the real story. I’ve been crafty for as long as I can remember. As a kid, I was deeply passionate about loom weave potholders, embroidery floss friendship bracelets, painting ceramics, crochet... the list goes on. Now, I don’t actually remember seeing my mom sew anything but I know she did because I vividly recall a pair of homemade, zebra striped hammer pants that were probably pretty cool back then. Hideous I tell ya! I do, however, remember her teaching me how to thread a sewing machine. So she must have taught me how to use it, right? Who knows, but I can say that after that I hoarded bits of fabric and made clothes for all my Barbie dolls.
Fast forward a few years to high school math class. I spent more time in class doodling on my graph paper than paying attention to the lessons. A lot of my doodles started to look like quilt patterns and one day I decided to actually make a quilt. It’s important to note that I didn’t grow up in a quilting household. I don’t think I had ever even seen or held a quilt in person before, so this attempt was met with a few sideways glances but I was determined. I got some supplies… and that’s that, a love affair was born.
My First Quilt |
My first quilt in all her green and yellow glory! I had no idea what I was doing. Seriously, I was just winging the whole thing! Surprisingly, it’s held up really well over the years. It’s currently my “couch” quilt, so it gets a lot of use! I quilted on and off for several years until about 2012 when I needed a baby gift and thought a quilt would be a good idea. I really think that baby quilts need to come with a warning: “This is a gateway quilt into a life full of fabric and sewing addiction!” Anyway, there you have it, that’s my origin story!
What's in a Name?
123Quilt... What does it mean? Honestly, one of the biggest hurdles I faced when I wanted to start blogging was picking a name. I wanted something catchy and easy to say, something memorable and unique, but everything I came up with was already taken. And I mean everything! I spent over a year searching for the perfect blog name. A year wasted!
I finally decided to start a "fake" blog just to test out the platform and see how things worked. Well, that needed a name too. It didn't have to be a good name, just a name to get me started. "Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start." ABC, do re mi... 123? 123Quilt? That was good enough for my "fake" blog. One thing led to another and my "fake" blog became my real blog. So, that's that. Will I re-brand in the future? Maybe. But for now I'm happy to be Sarah@123Quilt.
Here are a few of my favorite projects and quilt tops:
This is my Xbox and Botox quilt top. Blogged
here and
Xbox and Botox quilt top |
This gorgeous mini is one of my favorites. Blogged
here and
Simple Celestial Mini |
Simple Celestial Mini |
A baby quilt for my niece. (Those baby quilts! I'm tellin' you, they're gateway quilts!) Blogged
Celebrations - A Baby Quilt |
In the spirit of the
2016 New Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop, I thought I'd share a few tips with you!
Blogging Tip
Have you ever wondered how to add those great html grab code boxes under one of your buttons? Oh, you have? Me too! Check out my blog button on the sidebar to see an example of a grab code box. I tried a few different ways and found an easy way to do it. If you’re familiar with adding a button to your side bar you should have no problem adding a grab code box. All we are going to do is add some <textarea> code. This will add the box and then whatever you want in the box is placed between the <textarea> elements. Trust me, you can do this.
Step 1: Add the html for your button like you normally would.
Step 2: Then add this. <textarea rows=”3” cols=”20”><YOUR BUTTON HTML CODE></textarea>
Step 3: IMPORTANT!!! You have to change the < and the > in YOUR BUTTON CODE to its alphanumeric equivalent or this won’t work. What that means is every < in YOUR BUTTON CODE ONLY needs to be changed to < and every > to > for example:
<textarea rows=”3” cols=”20”><YOUR BUTTON HTML CODE></textarea>
NOTE: most button links have four < or > to change.
Also, you can change the width of the grab code box by changing the cols=”XX” number. Have fun and play around!
I really hope that made sense, if not just send me a message and I’ll help you through it!
Quilting Tip
Scraps. We all have them! Some more than others! It's a good idea to trim your scraps into commonly used sizes. 2 1/2" squares, 5" squares, 2 1/2" strips are good examples of common sizes. This way you can easily work them into your projects. Do you have a scrap mountain rather than a small heap? I suggest trimming down just five scraps per sewing session; that way you won't get overwhelmed by all the trimming! Also, (I guess this is a bonus tip) you can use those scraps as a leader/ender project and pretty soon you'll have the makings of a new quilt top!
Some Fun Facts
- Favorite Movie: Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure (because I like History, lol).
- Favorite TV Show: What is Jeopardy?!
- Favorite Hobby (Other than quilting and reading): I really love solving Japanese logic puzzles. Futoshiki, Kakuro, and Tsunami are some of my favorites
- Favorite Book: … IDK, I read them all! I really love historical fiction.
- Favorite Place to go on Vacation: The beach!!!
- Favorite Food: Birthday Cake!
Quilty Confession
I sat down and made a list of all the quilts I want to make. That maybe wasn't such a good idea... Now I know that I have over 150 quilts on my bucket list. That's way too many!!! I have to do some paring down.
Do you have any quilty confessions? I would love to hear them.
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today! Please hop over to some of the other blogs in the 2016 New Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop. I’m in the Hive Sewciety Hive and here are the links to some of my fellow hive mates who have posted today!

Until next time!
- Sarah